Why now?

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The Kansas school finance formula is based on Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) of enrollment. Lawrence Public Schools experienced a 647.9 Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) enrollment decrease and a 307.4 weighting FTE decrease in the fall of 2020. Unaudited estimates reflect that this has produced a $1.8 million loss of funding in the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.

The estimated permanent and ongoing loss of funding into fiscal year 2021-22 is $1.2 million. This estimate assumes that 50% of students that enrolled but did not attend this school year return in the fall of 2021. Unless student enrollment returns to 2019-2020 levels or higher, the 2022-2023 fiscal year could bring additional funding decreases.

The district's Budget & Program Evaluation Committee (BPEC) meets to consider budget additions, reductions, and reallocations. BPEC voted to support the development of an early childhood community center and transition Kennedy's K-5 students to neighboring schools with room to grow. The proposal is estimated to reduce 11.13 FTE employee positions (teacher, principal, administrative assistant, guidance counselor, learning coach, nurse, health office attendant, library media specialist, library media assistant) through attrition for a general operating savings of approximately $722,214.*

     *Staff follow students. Current Kennedy staff will have the opportunity to be placed in other open positions in the district. The district calculates personnel savings estimates by using the average cost of the positions, including salary and employer costs.
