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- Staff
- Albertson-Sears, Jolynn (Speech)
- Barker, Kelly (Social Studies)
- Beets, Kierston (Counselor 8th & 7th)
- Berkley, Nicole (WRAP)
- Bubna, Caitlin (Art)
- Burgoon, Elisa (Math)
- Forsberg, Peggy
- Dye, Brandon (8th Interrelated Resource)
- Fairchild, Megan (ELA/Yearbook)
- Fischer, Melinda (Media Center Assistant)
- Fleming, Marne (Counselor 6th & 7th)
- Floro, Alyssa (Science)
- Gabel, Elizabeth (Math)
- Grant, Wendy (Science)
- Hefty, Lorrie (ELA)
- Hoffsommer-Brecheisen, Sally (BASE)
- Husted, Deborah (Math)
- Jarrett, Lauren (Interrelated Resource)
- Kennard, Perry (Science)
- Kingman, Jason (Assistant Principal/Athletic Director)
- Lotton-Barker, Danielle (Gifted/Enrichment)
- Mallory, Kristin (PE)
- Miles, Dr. Carissa (Principal)
- Montgomery, Jake (ELA)
- Neuteboom, Trish (Creative Arts/Speech & Drama)
- Nitz, Barbara (ELA/AVID)
- Orlando, Chris (Social Studies)
- Peterson, Amanda (Learning Coach)
- Pfister, Marci (Specialized Classroom)
- Reilly-Harden, Angela (Math)
- Salsbury, Bailey (School Resource Officer)
- Schneider, David (Computer Technology)
- Simon, Andria (PLTW)
- Stafford, Jackie (ELA)
- Stevens, Amanda (Library Media Specialist)
- Symmonds, Lauren (Psychologist)
- Thomas, Micki (Nurse)
- Williams, Tracy (Social Worker)
- Woodall Routledge, Deborah (Band)
- Yeager, Elizabeth (Social Studies)
- Henning, Olivia (Bel Canto)
- Proctor, Lindsey (Social Studies)
- Olden, Kelsey (Science)
- Clarkson, Jennifer (Math)
- Brecheisen, Sommer (Resource)
- Lee, Elizabeth (Foreign Language)
- Leeker, Michelle (ELA)
- Burkart, Barb (Administrative Assistant)
- Porras, Aysha (Attendance/School Secretary)
- Nephew, Sydney (Registrar)
- Carlos, Elena (Science)
- Albaugh, Corbin (Student Success)
- Metz, Kendra (Student Success)
- Mallory, Jackson (PE)
- Nesseth, Stephanie (Choir)
- Steger, Stephanie (6th Interrelated Resource)
- Thomas, Jennifer (Orchestra)
- Vasquez, Sam (Social Studies)
- Fundraising
- Safety Tip Line
- Clubs
- Calendar