- Lawrence High School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
Certified Earth/Space Science (6-12) Certified Physics (6-12 BA Astronomy 2006, University of Kansas MS Education 2008, University of Kansas
Mr. Andrew Bricker
Digital Learning:
We will meet on Webex at the class times listed below. Check the websites (the links at the bottom of the page) for more information!
On the website, I'll post our syllabus, the Google Classroom link, the Webex link, and other important information.
If you need access to my digital Webex room, please send me an email.
Mr. Bricker's Fall 2020 Class Schedule:
1st Hour: PLAN
2nd Hour: Astronomy & Geology Topics
MTuThF 9:00-9:55 a.m., W 8:52-9:39 a.m.
3rd Hour: Astronomy & Geology Topics
MTuThF 10:00-10:55 a.m., W 9:44-10:31 a.m.
4th Hour: Astronomy & Geology Topics
MTuThF 11:00-11:55 a.m., W 10:36-11:23 a.m.
5th Hour: Astronomy & Geology Topics
MTuThF 12:26-1:21 p.m., W 11:54-12:41 p.m.
6th Hour: Reserach Astronomy
MTuThF 1:26-2:21 p.m., W 12:46-1:33 p.m.
7th Hour: Astronomy & Geology Topics
MTuThF 2:26-3:22 p.m., W 1:38-2:26 p.m.
Links to class webpages:
About me:
I have taught at Lawrence High School since 2009. In that time, I've taught Astronomy & Geology, Research Asronomy, General Physics, and Advanced Placement Physics. My undergraduate degere is a BA in Astronomy from the University of Kansas, so that is really my favorite academic topic! During remote learning, I hope we can actually do some cool stuff observing stars, the Moon, and the position of the Sun over time. We'll also have a good online textbook to guide us:)
My other degree is an M.S. in Education, also from the University of Kansas. Other than teaching, I also enjoy playing music and especially spending time at the dog park with my dog Levon.