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Parent Annual Notices

Nondiscrimination Statement

Lawrence Public Schools are committed to maintaining a learning environment free from discrimination, insult, intimidation, or harassment for any reason.

Discrimination, including acts of harassment, against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability is prohibited by federal and state law and district policy. Discrimination, including acts of harassment, against any individual on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status or physical characteristics is prohibited by district policy thereby making the district complaint procedure available to persons who believe they have experienced such discrimination.

Any incident of discrimination, including acts of harassment, shall be promptly reported for investigation and corrective action by the principal or district compliance coordinator.

The district is an equal opportunity employer.

Persons desiring additional information about this policy or assistance to accommodate individual needs under Title VI, Title IX, Americans with Disability Act, or Section 504 should contact the Executive Director of Human Resources, Compliance Coordinator, at 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044, 785/832-5000.

Referrals for Special Education

The Lawrence Public Schools are committed to providing an education that appropriately meets the needs of each student. For some students, supportive educational assistance is needed through special education programs and services.

The Department of Student Services includes a comprehensive special education program which adheres to the federal regulations included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Title II, and to the Kansas requirements contained within Article 12 of the Kansas Administrative Regulations. The need for services is determined with parents at each building site and those services are supervised by the building principal or his/her designee. If you believe your child may be in need of special education services, you may initiate a referral to your school's Special Services Team.

Notice of Accessibility

Lawrence Public Schools provide services and programs to people with disabilities in the most integrated setting possible. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Executive Director of Human Resources has been appointed as the ADA Coordinator. Please call for information on accessibility, ADA compliance procedures or accommodation requests.

In order to facilitate participation, accommodations will be made on an individual basis. If you would like to attend a Board of Education meeting or other public event of the District and require an accommodation for people with disabilities, please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Lawrence Public Schools, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044, 785/832-5000 or through the Kansas Relay Center, 1-800-766-3777, at least 48 hours in advance. The ADA Coordinator may refer issues regarding accessibility and accommodations for students to the Student Services Department. 

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in any program receiving federal financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:

  1. has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities (major life activities include, but are not limited to,  activities such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working);

  2. has a record of such impairment; or

  3. is regarded as having such an impairment.

In order to fulfill obligations under Section 504, the Lawrence Public School District has the responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a disability should knowingly be permitted in any of the programs and practices of the school system.

The school district has responsibilities under Section 504, which include the obligation to identify, evaluate, and if the student is determined to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to appropriate educational services. If the parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school district, he/she has a right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer.

If you have questions about Section 504, please contact your child's school principal. The Superintendent has appointed the Executive Director of Student Services/Special Education as the Section 504 Coordinator, 785/832-5000.

Early Childhood Screenings

Lawrence Public Schools will offer screening for children living in the district who are 5 years of age or younger (as of Aug. 31) and who demonstrate possible delays in one or more areas of development (speech/language, motor, cognitive, sensory, etc.). Appointments are required and may be scheduled by calling Kennedy Elementary School at 785/832-5760.

Special Education Statutes, Regulations, and Assurances

Statutes, regulations, and assurances that govern the administration of special education services may be reviewed at the Educational Support and Distribution Center (ESDC). Public review and comment on federal funds received under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may also be made at 110 McDonald Drive, Department of Student Services. Public review and comment on the special education budget may be made as part of the district’s public budget hearings in July and August.