Core Prevention Strategies for Respiratory Viral Illnesses 

As part of the guidance, the CDC provides active recommendations on core prevention strategies:

  • Staying up to date with vaccinations to protect people against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. This includes flu, COVID-19, and RSV if eligible.
  • Practicing good hygiene by covering cough and sneezes, washing or sanitizing hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
  • Taking steps for cleaner air, such as bringing more fresh outside air, purifying indoor air, or gathering outdoors.

I think I have COVID-19.

  • The CDC’s first recommendation for people who get sick with a respiratory virus is simple: stay home and away from others.
  • Get tested. Talk to your school nurse about free COVID-19 and Flu tests.
  • CDC guidance suggests returning to normal activities when your symptoms have been getting better AND you have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
  • Once people return to normal activities, they are encouraged to take precautions for the next 5 days to curb disease spread, such as:
    • Taking more steps for cleaner air
    • Enhancing hygiene practices
    • Wearing a well-fitting mask
    • Keeping a distance from others
    • Getting tested to inform your actions to prevent the spread to others
    • Enhanced precautions are especially important to protect those most at risk for severe illness, including those over 65 and people with weakened immune systems.

For more information:

CDC Frequently Asked Questions 

Background for CDC’s Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

Preventing the Spread of Respiratory Virus When You’re Sick