ESOL Program
Lawrence Public Schools provide services to English Language Learners (ELL). The English to Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) program is integral to the PreK-12th grade district curriculum and outcomes. Instruction includes curriculum necessary for English language development included in national TESOL standards for grades K-12 and is integrated with or into state and district curricular standards.
Our schools employ highly qualified, certified teachers with specific ESL training. Some of the schools provide additional student support through bilingual paraeducators. The schools work with students in class, in small groups and on a one-on-one basis. Instruction is based on individual needs of students.
Leah Wisdom
Student Services Coordinator
Lawrence Public Schools
Educational Support & Distribution Ctr.
110 McDonald Drive
Lawrence, KS 66044
785/832-5000 x 4743
Lawrence, KS 66044
785/832-5000 x 4743