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How does Lawrence Public Schools meet the various needs of
all students?
What is CI3T?  
 Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (CI3T) Model of Prevention
CI3T Triangle
The Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered Model of Prevention (CI3T) is a school-wide, small group, and individual plan that assesses students throughout their school years to identify an support academic, behavior, and social skills components.  Unlike other modes. of prevention, the CI3T Model helps schools develop a school-wide primary prevention plan that all students receive just by attending that school, in addition to secondary and tertiary supports.  
The three levels of support are:
  • Primary Support:  Designed as preventative and includes academic, social, and behavioral components for all students.
  • Secondary Support:  Offered to small groups of students experiencing similar needs
  • Tertiary Support:  Individualized for intensive support

Students come to school with a wide range of academic, behavioral, and social strengths and needs. To serve these students well, schools need a carefully crafted plan aligning supports and services in ways that address these individual strengths and needs.

A comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (CI3T) model of prevention is a proactive approach to meet the academic, behavioral, and social needs of students. The CI3T model aims to prevent and respond effectively to the development of learning and behavioral challenges through tiers of support. A school-based team—which is representative of the entire school’s staff and includes at least one administrator with the authority to make changes—creates and leads implementation of the CI3T model based on the unique needs and culture of their school.