Special Education in Lawrence Public Schools
Special education is specially designed instruction that enables students to make continuous progress in school. Special education services are provided within each school and services are individualized to meet the needs of each child. Special education and related services are provided to eligible students with disabilities ages 3 to 21 and to students who qualify for gifted services in Kindergarten to Grade 12. Special education and related services (such as speech-language, occupational, and/or physical therapy) are determined through comprehensive assessment and input from parents.
The Lawrence School District's philosophy is to provide special education services in the least restictive environment (LRE) by including students in educational and social activities to the maximum extent appropriate, based on individual learning needs.
The Kansas State Department of Education Parent Rights in Special Education (Procedural Safeguards) document is provided in the A-Z Documents & Forms section, under the Parents and Students Directory.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
The Individual Education Program, or IEP, describes the special education services a student will receive from Lawrence Public Schools. Written by an IEP team, including the parents and the student, if appropriate, the IEP includes information designed to communicate to the school and the parents a plan for delivering services and measuring student growth toward IEP goals. The IEP is reviewed with parents at least annually. IEP progress reports are sent at the time of grade level progres reports (at trimester for elementary and quarterly for secondary).
Special Education Statutes, Regulations and Assurances
We provide comprehensive special education services that adhere to the federal regulations included within the Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) and to the state requirements contained within the Kansas Administrative Regulations.
Statutes, regulations, and assurances that govern the administration of special education services can be reviewed at the Educational Support and Distribution Center (ESDC). Public review and comment on federal funds received under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) can also be made at 110 McDonald Drive, Student Services Department. Public review and comment on the special education budget can be made as part of the district’s budget hearings in July and August.