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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Native American Student Services located?

Native American Student Services (NASS) is located at Broken Arrow, 2704 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, KS 66046.

Who is eligible for NASS services?

To be eligible for NASS services:

1) Student(s) must be enrolled in Lawrence Public Schools USD 497.

2) Student(s), parent(s), or grandparent(s) can provide proof of enrollment or descendancy in a U.S. federally recognized Tribe/Tribal Nation/Village.

Please contact the NASS office with questions about eligibility.

How can I enroll my student for NASS services?

To enroll your student(s) in NASS, a parent/guardian must provide the following:

1) a completed 506 form. 

2) a copy or picture of their student(s)'s Tribal ID or CDIB/CIB*.

  • If the student(s)'s Tribal ID or CDIB/CIB is not available, the parent/guardian can use their own Tribal ID or CDIB/CIB* in combination with the student(s)'s Certificate of Birth.

*Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood/Certificate of Indian Blood

What services does NASS provide?

School Supplies
Each year, NASS strives to provide school supplies for each of our students. At the elementary level, NASS provides the required school supply list.  At the secondary level (middle and high schools), there is no centralized list for all schools, as each teacher and the school decides what supplies are needed. We do try to get most things secondary students need, but there may not be funding for each specific item.

Middle & High School -- NASS holds study hall tutoring in the evening for our secondary students in the NASS office. The NASS Tutoring schedule can be found in the tutoring tab. Students also have available if needed during this time: school computer, printer, poster board, displays for projects, and calculators. All subjects, as well as test-taking practice and organizational skills are available.

NASS provides, through its funding, a club sponsor for both high schools' Native American Clubs (LHS Inter-Tribal Club & Free State Native Club). Having personnel designated to work with our teenagers is a priority for the program.  NASS hopes to continue to grow this part of our programming in the future by adding cultural mentors/advocates to work with students at all grade levels.

NASS families may need some extra help navigating the school district's system. Whether it is having another person there at an IEP meeting or a Parent/Teacher Conference or needing assistance filling out forms, NASS staff can assist as best as we can. If there are curriculum choices that make your students uncomfortable (inappropriate representations of Indigenous people, assumptions about Thanksgiving, etc.), NASS staff can help guide conversations with school staff in a respectful and meaningful way.

Teacher Professional Development
The NASS Coordinator goes into the schools and presents professional development sessions to teachers, administrators, and mental health staff about topics such as Native American Learning Styles, Cultural Miscommunications, and Incorporating American Indian Literature/Subjects into the Classroom.