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COVID-19 Information

2024-25 COVID-19 Update

Lawrence Public Schools uses guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas State Department of Education, and Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases in our school community.

The following information is being provided as a resource.

COVID & Flu Testing:

In-school COVID and Flu testing and home COVID antigen tests are available at all district school buildings as well as the Education Support Center. Please reach out to your local school nurse to obtain tests. 


If you have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID, you should consider taking additional prevention strategies such as masking, maintaining physical distance from others, and testing for 5-10 days post-exposure. Normal attendance is suggested as long as you are symptom-free.

Return to School/Work:

KDHE recommends using the CDC’s updated respiratory illness guidance for COVID-19.  The CDC recommends that anyone with symptoms of a respiratory virus stay home and away from others. Individuals may return to school/work when their symptoms have improved AND they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication. 

Communication with the Health Department:

Lawrence Public Schools will not track or require reporting of COVID cases. The district will not provide names of positive cases to Lawrence Douglas County Public Health as LPS is not currently contact tracing. If it is believed that a COVID-19 outbreak is present, LPS will work with LDCPH officials to determine the best course of action moving forward. 

For more information, see this COVID Guidance.

COVID-19 Antigen Testing Consent Form - English

COVID-19 Antigen Testing Consent Form - Spanish