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Health Services

Promoting Student Health

Please give your child a final check before they leave for school each morning. Children who have not slept well during the night may not have the energy to participate in classes. A child with a fever (temperature greater than 100 °F) should not come to school until the temperature is normal (98.6 °F) for 24 hours. When a student shows signs or symptoms of illness or unusual behavior, they are referred to the health office. If a child needs further attention, schools will notify parents. 
School guidelines regarding communicable diseases help protect your child and other students from the spread of disease.
  • Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever: The child should be treated by a health care provider and may not attend school until he/she is under treatment and without fever for 24 hours.
  • Upper Respiratory Illness/Colds: The child must be able to participate in all school activities, and should not be tired or listless. Temperature must be normal for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea (persistent): Please do not send children exhibiting these symptoms to school until there has been no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
  • Infectious Rashes, Ringworm, Impetigo and Scabies: The student is excluded from school until under an effective treatment (medication) and no longer considered contagious. If your child has a rash and fever, please contact a health care provider.
  • Head Lice (Not a communicable disease): Students are allowed to return to school after treatment with an antiparasitic shampoo.
  • Conjunctivitis ("pink eye"): If the child's eyes are red, swollen and have a discharge or crusty matter in the eyelashes, please contact a health care provider. Your child may return to school when under treatment and no discharge is present.
Our school nurses provide excellent health services for your child. It is extremely important for your school's health office to have an emergency telephone number on file where parents/guardians can be reached. This emergency information should also contain the phone number of a nearby relative, friend, or neighbor who can assume parental responsibility when a parent/guardian  is unable to be reached. In the event of serious illness or injury, children will be transported to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Please contact your student's school nurse if you have any questions about your child's health or if you need assistance with your child's health care needs. 

Contact Information

Linda Redding, MPH, RN, NCSN
Health Services Coordinator
Lawrence Public Schools
110 McDonald Drive
Lawrence, KS  66044
Fax:  785/832-5000