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Action Needed

7 February 2024

Things are heating up a bit in the legislature. Voucher bills are starting to be read in, the House K-12 Budget Committee is pushing for a new funding taskforce to rework the school funding formula, and open enrollment could receive some fixes. KASB and KNEA have been testifying on bills, but there has not been a big call for local advocates to raise our voices for public education specifically, and are two campaigns that are active and related:


1. Flat Tax

The flat tax that we spoke of during the Legislative Preview event was vetoed by Gov. Kelly. It was rumored that the House would have an override attempt this week, but so far we have not seen one. Advocates are asked to write to their legislators as well as leadership to ask that we support both Gov. Kelly’s veto and her bill,  SB 377. I’m attaching a list of local legislators as well as leadership, and below is an example email:


SUBJECT: HB 2284 Sustain the Governor’s Veto

Dear Representative _______________,

Please vote NO on any attempts to override the governor’s veto of the flat tax bill (HB 2284). This bill provides big benefits to wealthier Kansans while providing very little benefit to everyday Kansans. It also puts funding for our public schools at risk.

Our schools have just reached constitutional funding after the detrimental effects of the state’s last tax experiment and we are still waiting for the legislature to fully fund special education. Now is not the time for a new tax experiment.

Tax revenues in Kansas have fallen behind projections for the last three months, making a flat tax experiment even more concerning.

Please sustain the governor’s veto and consider the more measured bi-partisan tax cut plan the Governor has introduced. That plan does more for everyday Kansans in a fiscally responsible way that doesn’t put funding for our public schools, infrastructure, and other state services at risk.

I have appreciated your past support of our public schools and I hope that you will continue your support by sustaining the governor’s veto of HB 2284.


[Your Name, Your City]

 2. Summer lunch program


Last week the House Welfare Reform Committee held an informational briefing on the school lunch program. The same day, HB2674 was read on the House floor. It would prohibit the secretary for children and families from participating in the summer electronic benefits transfer for children program. This has already happened in Iowa and Nebraska. Kansas Appleseed has organized a petition in an effort to promptly stop this legislation. You can find the petition here:


A 3rd campaign is more local and something we can support!! HB2547 would allow for schools to treat asthma or life-threatening allergies with emergency medication. It allows the schools to receive a prescription for epinephrine or albuterol, removes civil liabilities from those prescribing or acting in good faith and administering the medication, and provides for storage and training and even grants for purchasing. Please help us thank the House Health Committee for passing out this bill. The bill was authored by Rep. Eplee and Chair Landwehr brought the bill through the Committee.


Here is a list of Committee members:


Rep. Carrie Barth
Rep. Brian Bergkamp
Rep. Emil Bergquist
Rep. Doug Blex
Rep. Ron Bryce
Rep. David Buehler
Rep. Bill Clifford
Rep. Ronald Ellis
Rep. John Eplee
Rep. Fred Gardner
Rep. Christina Haswood
Rep. Brenda Landwehr
Rep. Nikki McDonald
Rep. Melissa Oropeza
Rep. Susan Ruiz
Rep. Carl Turner
Rep. Lindsay Vaughn



The big news in education this week is that the Kansas Supreme Court agreed to give up oversight of the Gannon, the landmark school funding case that was decided four years ago. With talk of reworking the school formula, this new development gives many in academia pause.