Household Economic Survey Information

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    Dear School Families,

    Great news! During the 2021-2022 school year, all schoolchildren may eat free! 

    Our Food Service staff last year served 502,339 free breakfasts and 683,689 free lunches to children in the community. During the 2021-2022 school year, Child Nutrition federal funding will enable district to continue to provide free breakfast and lunch for all of our students. 

    The federal government no longer uses the free and reduced-price meal application. Instead, one parent/guardian from each household must submit a new form, the Household Economic Survey. 

    The district will use the Household Economic Survey to identify students eligible for student fee waivers and other benefits. Completed surveys generate much-needed federal and state funding for our schools. If families do not complete the survey, the state of Kansas will reduce funding for our educational programs.

    Please follow these instructions (or these instructions in Spanish) for completing, electronically signing, and submitting this confidential survey in PowerSchool no later than September 15, 2021.

    You may direct any questions to your child’s school or our Technology Help Desk at 785-330-4357.

    Contact the Business Office at with questions about student fee waivers.

    Thank you for helping Lawrence Public Schools receive full federal and state funding for your child’s school and support eligible families by waiving school fees.


    Anthony S. Lewis, Ph.D.

    Read the Superintendent's letter in Spanish.