Family Engagement & Support Coordinator
We hope to build strong connections between home and school, making parents, teachers, and school staff partners in our children's success. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
- Provides a communication link and connection between parents, teachers, administrators, Site Council, and PTO.
- Assists parents in identifying and implementing positive parenting practices.
- Assists parents in increasing the ability to advocate with schools for their children.
- Encourages parental involvement with the school and assists parents in finding meaningful ways to participate.
- Assists parents in identifying, gaining access to, and connecting with community resources, addressing family needs, and building on their strengths.
- Collaborates/coordinates with teachers and administrators about student academic concerns such as missing or incomplete classroom assignments, homework, test scores, study skills, behavior, and attendance issues.
- Works in conjunction with families and teachers regarding a wide variety of academic concerns.
- Provides parent/teacher conference reminders and assists with limited transportation needs if necessary. Provides child care for conferences
We're here to support you and your child's journey. Let's work together for their success!
Cindi McCaleb