

Degrees and Certifications:

- Major from KU in Middle/Secondary Mathematics Education - Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from KU

Mrs. Shana Poettker

Pre-Algebra: 8; Algebra 1
Phone:  1-785-832-5450 ext. 4334

Welcome to Billy Mills Middle School & middle school mathematics!  I have been teaching math at the junior high or middle school level since 2002.  I love teaching math and sharing with students the importance of mathematics in their life.  I can easily answer the age-old question of "When will I ever use this?"  This year my goal will be to guide your student to deepen their understanding and appreciation of mathematics.

My goal this year is to help your student become a lifelong mathematician.  I believe that the skills in mathematics, and Algebra especially, are thinking skills that benefit everyone every day.  I have told my students that the math we explore are concepts that they will use throughout their lives at different times.  This year, students will work with a variety of topics.  Students will explore numbers and operations to see how the language of mathematics works.  We will work with expressions and equations to explore algebra to analyze and make sense of problems.  Ratios and proportions will be used to describe relationships between numbers and quantities.  We will also use geometry to model our world and solve problems within our 3-dimensional world.  Geometry is the language of mathematics that helps us understand the world around us.  As we continue to analyze the information found in our world, we will focus on statistics to analyze and evaluate conclusions based on data.  This data analysis will help to make informed citizens.  Functions and functional reasoning helps to use, organize, and understand data in a variety of situations and contexts.

I’m looking forward to a great year together!