The Lawrence College and Career Center prepares students for their future through hands-on learning experiences in an innovative, engaging environment. With direct engagement with business and industry leaders, students have access to technology and curriculum that is relevant and useful. Students can earn college credit while still in high school, with an opportunity for free tuition, giving students a head start on their future.All courses at the Lawrence College and Career Center prepare students for post-secondary enrollment and a high wage, high demand career. To learn more about the courses offered at the College and Career Center, please review the course descriptions in the Course tab above.
Design Principles
The Lawrence College & Career Center has three key “design principles” that assisted in the development of the facility and continue to guide curriculum and instruction provided within. These design principles evolved from a team of over 100 community stakeholders including, students, teachers, counselors, parents, post-secondary partners, business and industry representatives and other community leaders. This team was asked to imagine how we might prepare students for whatever comes next in their lives.
Hands-on, Project Based Learning
We believe in learning by doing. While content is important, in order for our students to reach their goals, they will need to initiate, collaborate and persist. They must have the educational space to be curious, use that curiosity to investigate, create, learn from their mistakes and improve. Knowledge is dynamic. The facts a student learns today may be disproved or irrelevant in the future. What may engage students today might not be an interest tomorrow. When we learn by doing not only do we understand the content, we transform it and develop the skills to seek, analyze and apply knowledge in the future.
Business & Industry Involvement
Far too often we think education is a linear progression: elementary, secondary, post-secondary and then a career. Many of our students have jobs and we expect that every one of them will work in the future. Some of our adult students are coming back to school after years of employment to learn new skills. We believe we can learn as much from the workplace as we can in a classroom. Our students are expected to understand a diverse set of workplace values and social norms, while testing the relevance of the knowledge and skills they acquire.
Post-Secondary Preparation
A post-secondary education has become fundamental to success in today’s economy. While we believe that post-secondary education is rapidly changing, our students will need the skills to navigate rigorous educational programs of study that lead to certificates and/or degrees. Our programs, whenever possible, coordinate with post-secondary schools to provide actual college courses at an affordable rate for our students. While the content is extremely valuable to our students, just as valuable is the requirement to plan for, manage and succeed in completing post-secondary coursework.
How We Learn
In order to provide consistency within the learning environment and reinforce the skills and behaviors expected in the workplace and at the post-secondary level, the Lawrence College & Career Center has established three areas of expectations for our learners:
Commit to Learn
- Be on time with necessary materials
- Use your time to enhance learning goals
- Ask questions—everyone is a learner
Practice Professionalism
- Practice formal communication
- Regularly reflect on the goals—are you making progress?
- Persevere—struggle is part of the learning
Contribute to Community & Culture
- Be encouraging and helpful to peers
- Recognize and report unsafe situations
- Respect that others will use the space—put things away after using them and preserve resources
Courses (Subject to Change)
The following courses/programs are available for the 2018-19 school year:
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)*
Certified Medication Aide (CMA)* (Spring Only)
Medical Terminology*
EMS First Responder*
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)*
Forensic Science
Principles of Biotechnology
AP Computer Science
Computer Science Essentials
Computer Programming - Game Design
Web Page Design
Digital Electronics
Programing Fundamentals
CompTIA A+ Essentials (Fall only)*
CompTIA A+ Practical Applications (Spring only)*
Networking Fundamentals
Project Management - Computer Programming/Web and Digital Communications/Computer Support/Networking
Advanced Culinary Arts
Event Planning and Management
US Government
Auto and Welding for the Novice (Spring only)
Automotive Service
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Design/Build (Fall only)
* courses available to both high school students and adults