School Volunteers

  • Lawrence Public Schools appreciates the support of hundreds of parent and community volunteers. Please contact your child's school about volunteer opportunities. Other options include volunteering though one of our community partnerships with the Lawrence Schools Foundation's LEAP program, Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters, or Junior Achievement.

    Lawrence Public Schools annually recognizes outstanding school volunteers during American Education Week. Each school and the school district select a Friend of Education. Our "Friends" represent all of the wonderful school volunteers who support our students and staff throughout the school year. We appreciate your involvement and support of student success! 


    Friends of Education Honorees

    2023 (Recogniton Program)

    Kennedy Early Childhood Center – Mary Yoder

    Cordley Elementary – Katie Green

    Deerfield Elementary – Christina Terfler

    Hillcrest Elementary – Maren Bradley & Sabrina Kuksi

    Langston Hughes Elementary – Anne Koprince & Casey Wallace

    New York Elementary – Kimberly Williams

    Prairie Park Elementary – Jamie McNally*

    Quail Run Elementary – Tom Pasniewski

    Schwegler – Megan Poindexter

    Sunflower Elementary – Heather Flachsbarth

    Sunset Hill Elementary – Bonny Greenlee

    Woodlawn Elementary – Will Dunn

    Billy Mills Middle School – Kenneth St. Pierre

    Liberty Memorial Central Middle School – Mary Davidson & Jenny Skillman* 

    Southwest Middle School – Betty Yung   

    West Middle School – Kathleen Lohfeld

    Free State High – Lew and Alicia Hanna

    Lawrence High School – Shelly Rojo

    Community Connections at Pinckney – Kelli Huslig, Uplift Coffee

    USD 497 – Carrie Poe & Kristi Heintzelmen, L-SEAC

       *2nd-Time Friends of Education Honorees!

    2022 (
    Recognition Program)
    Jessica Wollesen, First State Bank & Trust, Billy Mills MS
    Kaelyn McCall, Broken Arrow ES
    Stephanie Smith, Cordley ES
    Angela Wilson, Deerfield ES
    Nate Sawchak & Anna Hislop, East Heights Community Transition Program
    Ian Beyer, Free State HS
    Cody Howard, Hillcrest ES
    Amanda Carboun, River City Church, Kennedy EC Center
    Cathy Voss, Langston Hughes ES
    Mary Harrison & Amy Phalen, Lawrence HS
    Karen Lowe, Lawrence Virtual School
    Etahn Sperle, Free City Church, Liberty Memorial Central MS
    Mary Adams, New York ES
    Sherry Tamerius, Pinckney ES
    Alyse Maender, Prairie Park ES
    Carla Gardner, Quail Run ES
    Travis Harrod, Schwegler ES
    Angela Randall, Southwest MS
    Nichole Burggraf, Sunset Hill ES
    Hilary Nauholz, Sunflower ES
    Ashley Dorssom, West MS
    Tiffany Gurss, Woodlawn ES
    Linda Klinker, Cans for Community, USD 407
    2020 & 2021 (Paused During Pandemic)
    Marieke Goates, Billy Mills MS
    Chris Herren, Broken Arrow ES
    Ana Maria Wilde, Cordley ES
    Audrey Pool, Deerfield ES
    Sheida Raley & Dr. Karrie Shogren, Free State HS
    Will & Kate Collins, Hillcrest ES
    Michelle Seal, Kennedy ES
    Angela & Mike Randall, Langston Hughes ES
    Cynthia Eubanks, Lawrence HS
    Michel Loomis, Liberty Memorial Central MS
    Caleb & Katie Morse, New York ES
    Christopher Enneking, Pinckney ES  
    Jamie McNally, Prairie Park ES
    Jenny Newell, Quail Run ES
    Tricia Masenthin, Schwegler ES  
    Kristi Knox, Sunflower ES
    Jess & Brian Edie, Sunset Hill ES
    Danielle King, Southwest MS
    Stephanie Harris, West MS
    Jamie Hill, Woodlawn ES
    Susan Klusmerier, Holly J. Scheirman, & The Jayhawk Blueprint Team, USD 497

    Broken Arrow - Kirsten Derby
    Cordley - Gary Bricker
    Deerfield - Wendy Canaday
    Hillcrest - Ande Kearns
    Kennedy - Douglas Paul, Jayhawk Breakfast Rotary
    Langston Hughes - Lisa Foust and Julie Lintecum
    New York - Kathy Campbell
    Pinckney - Arika Sprecker
    Prairie Park - Sheryl Sanders
    Quail Run - Pat Nemchock
    Schwegler - Jenny Hohman
    Liberty Memorial Central MS - Nicole Rials 
    Billy Mills MS - Lisa Jones
    Southwest MS - Dr. Martin Bergee
    Sunflower - Grace Lee
    Sunset Hill - Frannie Battaglia, KarenMcDaneld, and Linda Robbins
    West MS - Sarah Rajiha
    Woodlawn - Lindsey Holladay
    Free State High - Alneata Barrett
    Lawrence High - Michele Vignola-Rogers

    2017 (Recognition Program)
    Broken Arrow - Amy Sanchez
    Cordley - Emily Mulligan
    Deerfield - Melissa Anderson
    Hillcrest - Cindy Berrie
    Kennedy - Mark Gordy, Britney Woody, and Tasman Grout
    Langston Hughes - Diane Vigna
    New York - Shannon Berquist
    Pinckney - Richard Andrade and Aimee Poirier
    Prairie Park - Harold and Marilyn Agnew
    Quail Run - Jen Hutton
    Schwegler - Erika Dvorske
    Liberty Memorial Central MS - Megan Richardson 
    South MS - Terry Jacobsen
    Southwest MS - Alyssa Nicole Rabiola
    Sunflower - Nancy Lett
    Sunset Hill - Valeita Williams
    West MS - Laura Marsh
    Woodlawn - Sherri, Mackenzie and Cameron Vaughn and Doni Mooberry-Slough and Hayden Slough
    Free State High - Marybeth Mermis and Lisa Green
    Lawrence High - Mike and Sonja Hart
    USD 497 - Colby Wilson and Monica Dittmer, Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence
    Broken Arrow - Robin & Terry Jacobsen
    Cordley - Brandy Ernsen
    Deerfield - Melissa Jakmouj
    Hillcrest - Nancy O'Connor & Jim Lewis
    Kennedy - Jayhawk Breakfast Rotary Club
    Langston Hughes - Randy Glidewell
    New York - Eric Jay
    Pinckney - Sandy Rickards
    Prairie Park - Michael Stutz
    Quail Run - Kristie Hansen
    Schwegler - Sheree Miller
    Liberty Memorial Central MS - Joe Novak, Elizabeth Kozlesi, Mary Morningstar, Deb Griswold & Melinda Leko, KU PDS
    South MS - Melanie & Bob Farney
    Southwest MS - Chloe Mason
    Sunflower - Allene Schworm
    Sunset Hill - Eliza Darmon
    West MS - Kristi Keefer
    Woodlawn - Matt Gilhousen & Dan Hughes
    Free State High - Cindy Johnson, Therapy Works
    Lawrence College and Career Center - Tammy Bennett
    Lawrence High - Patricia Treff
    Lawrence Virtual School - Angie Mellema 
    Project Search - Janice Yost, Lawrence Memorial Hospital
    USD 497 - Detective David Garcia, Lawrence Police Department

    2015 (Recognition Program)
    Broken Arrow - Mindy Hidalgo
    Cordley - Amy Schmidt-Cowardin
    Deerfield - Tony Collins
    Hillcrest - Janel Leitch
    Kennedy - Jesse Brinson and Mark Guengerich
    Langston Hughes - Michael Kelly
    New York - Mary Adams
    Pinckney - Jenny Skillman
    Prairie Park - Irene Soderstrom 
    Quail Run - Noel Rowland
    Schwegler - Rod Hoffer
    Liberty Memorial Central MS - Jean Martin
    South MS - Ben Smith 
    Southwest MS - Christopher Storm
    Sunflower - Janice McClure
    Sunset Hill - Wendi Morris
    West MS - Carrie Mershon
    Woodlawn - Trisha Slough and Chris and Angela Schmidt
    Free State High - Doug Holiday
    Lawrence High - Patrick Witthaus
    Lawrence College and Career Center - Greg Beck
    Project Search - Kale Laverentz
    Broken Arrow - Aimee Garcia
    Cordley - Becky Black
    Deerfield - Kristi Keefer
    Hillcrest - Sarah Guy
    Kennedy - K-State Research & Extension
    Langston Hughes - Amy Weishaar/Robin Pickett
    New York - KT Walsh
    Pinckney - Karla Hughes
    Prairie Park - Becky Rogers
    Quail Run - Mandy Sikes
    Schwegler - Brandon Urban
    Sunflower - Marci Leuschen
    Sunset Hill - Lisa Barnett
    Woodlawn - Ursula Minor
    Liberty Memorial Central MS - Theresa Bunting
    South MS - Amy Gottschamer
    Southwest MS - Michele Rogers
    West MS - Lily Siebert
    Free State High - Diane Mielke 
    Lawrence High - Terry Jacobsen
    Adult Education Center – Willie Amison
    Broken Arrow Elementary – Angela Johnson
    Cordley Elementary –Carey Maynard Moody
    Deerfield Elementary – Jennifer Haight
    Free State High – Craig Butler, Willie Amison
    Hillcrest Elementary – Dana Lattin, Tom Waechter
    Kennedy Elementary – Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence
    Langston Hughes Elementary – Amy Phalen
    Lawrence High – Tom Murray
    Liberty Memorial Central Middle School – Carol Williamson
    New York Elementary – David Paden
    Pinckney Elementary – Jamie Taylor
    Prairie Park Elementary – Judy and Harvey King
    Quail Run Elementary – Leslie Stallard
    Schwegler Elementary – Jennifer Day
    South Middle School – Chris English
    Southwest Middle School – Patrick Manning, McDonald's
    Sunflower Elementary –Sonya and Tim Hogan
    Sunset Hill Elementary – Kyle Camarda
    West Middle School – Nancy O'Connor, The Merc
    Woodlawn Elementary – Michelle Iwig-Harmon
    USD 497 - Teri Smith, Jillian Rodrigue, Douglas County Emergency Management

    Broken Arrow Elementary – Jennifer Stellwagon
    Cordley Elementary – Shannon Buerger
    Deerfield Elementary – Andria Devlin
    Free State High – Jeff Heline
    Hillcrest Elementary – Dennis and Tracy Hill
    Kennedy Elementary – Pam McDermott
    Langston Hughes Elementary – Kim Rack
    Lawrence High – Laurie Marienua
    Liberty Memorial Central Middle School – Alex Weston
    New York Elementary – Josh and Cari Davis
    Pinckney Elementary – Bill Harrison
    Prairie Park Elementary – Lisa Willard and Piper Njoroge
    Quail Run Elementary – Laura Vaughn
    Schwegler Elementary – Kristy Teska
    South Middle School – Sonia Arb
    Southwest Middle School – Nancy O’Connor
    Sunflower Elementary –Melanie and Lily Davies
    Sunset Hill Elementary – Jennifer Ankenbauer
    West Middle School – Lori Brungardt
    Woodlawn Elementary –Andi Anderson and Emily Markoulatos

    Broken Arrow - Dana Landes
    Liberty Memorial Central Middle School - Linda Cottin
    Centennial Adult Education Center - Khitam Al-Kofahi
    Community Connections Center - Sue Shackelford
    Cordley - Alee Phillips
    Deerfield - Julie Neff
    Free State High - Jesse Nussbaum
    Hillcrest - Brandy Brandt
    Kennedy - Dawn Shew
    Langston Hughes - Lisa Pazdernik
    Lawrence High - Mark Edwards, Doug Gaston and Judy Keller
    New York - Annette Ritchie
    Pinckney - Ursula Minor
    Prairie Park - Nondie Hanna
    Quail Run - Arthur Reyes
    Schwegler - Jane Tusten
    South Middle School - Jessie Brinson
    Southwest Middle School - Dennis Christilles
    Sunflower - Piper Njoroge
    Sunset Hill - Faye Hale
    West Middle School - Sherri Dedloff
    Woodlawn - Anonymous
    USD 497 - John Drees, Lawrence Memorial Hospital Community Education Specialist

    Broken Arrow - Tammy Hogsett
    Central Junior High - Tim & Judy Keller
    Community Connections Center - Jane Budde
    Cordley - Alex Weston
    Deerfield - Barb Novorr
    Free State High - Thomas & Dru Fritzel
    Hillcrest - Elizabeth Carter
    Kennedy - Angie Tyler
    Langston Hughes - Carol & Karl Pittman
    Lawrence High - Don Nieto
    New York - Natasha Naramore
    Pinckney - Marty Marsh
    Prairie Park - Cindy Williams, KU Credit Union
    Quail Run - Julie Lesslie
    Schwegler - Lars Leon
    South Junior High - Patrick Manning, McDonald's
    Southwest Junior High - Kelly McReynolds
    Sunflower - John Haynes
    Sunset Hill - Mark & Therese Edgecomb
    West Junior High - Lisa Werner
    Wakarusa Valley - Natalie Archer
    Woodlawn - Michelle Iwig-Harmon
    USD 497 - Community Mercantile

    Broken Arrow - Sandy & Ed Day
    Central Junior High - Karl & Gina WatsonCordley - Lucy Harris
    Deefield - Tim Foley
    East Heights - Brian Lang
    Free State High - Janet Finnestad
    Hillcrest - Tom Collins
    Kennedy - Annette Ritchie
    Langston Hughes - Doug Compton
    Lawrence High - Willie Amison and Craig Butler
    New York - Nicole Allensworth
    Pinckney - Carol Bloom
    Prairie Park - Paige MarettQuail Run - Jan Conard
    Schwegler - Sheri Boxberger
    South Junior High - Sue & Mike Willoughby
    Southwest Junior High - Bruce Leinmiller
    Sunset Hill - Tiffani Boyd
    Sunflower - Kendra Trebilcock
    Wakarusa Valley - Priscilla Johnson
    West Junior High - Stacey Lamer
    Woodlawn - Megan Richardson
    C-Tran - Deb & Lowell Stewart
    Virtual School - Anne Hawkins
    Adult Learning Center - Anne Walker
    Lawrence Public Schools - Julie Branstrom, Brianne Koester and Ginny Clark, Douglas County Dental Clinic's "Friendly Smiles" Program

    Broken Arrow - Debby and Matt McNemee
    Central Junior High - Philip Hart
    Cordley - Melissa Hickam
    Deerfield - Lori Brungardt
    East Heights Early Childhood Family Center - Connie Detweiler
    Free State High - Sally Salb Hare-Schriner
    Hillcrest - Anne Patterson
    Kennedy - Emily Donaldson
    Langston Hughes - Lori Kloepper
    Lawrence High - Marianne Seuferling
    Lawrence Public Schools - Donna Bell
    New York - Donna Swall and Sydney Rodel
    Pinckney - Cathy StephensPrairie Park - Jane GarvinQuail Run - Bernie and Kay Domman
    Schwegler - Margaret Springe
    South Junior High - Lisa Showalter
    Southwest Junior High - Randi Hacker
    Sunflower - Norine Spears
    Sunset Hill - Geri Hartley
    Wakarusa Valley - Susanne Neilsen
    West Junior High - Jesse Brinson
    Woodlawn - Lin Stearns

    Broken Arrow – Laura Bellinger
    Central Junior High – Robbie Derritt
    Cordley – Phil Wedge
    Deerfield – Durand Reiber
    EH Early Childhood Family Center – Colleen Quick
    Free State High School - David & Peg Livingood
    Hillcrest – Juli Warren-Ward
    Kennedy – Dick Lind
    Langston Hughes – Courtney Brungardt
    Lawrence High School – Craig Butler
    Lawrence Public Schools – Kirsten Flory
    New York – Stephanie Olson
    Pinckney – John Drees
    Prairie Park – Amy Garvin
    Quail Run – Barb Heeb
    Schwegler – Jeanie Felmlee
    South Junior High – Deb McElhaney
    Southwest Junior High – Karen Schonewise
    Sunflower – Betsy Kelly
    Sunset Hill - Everett & Kim Ledbetter
    Wakarusa Valley – Pat Middaugh
    West Junior High – Christina Diedel
    Woodlawn – Janette Kroeger

    Broken Arrow – Deb McElhaney
    Central Junior High – Nora Murphy
    Cordley – Don VarnauDeerfield - Carolyn Shillings
    East Heights Early Childhood – Anne Martin
    Free State High School – Cindy Folsom
    Hillcrest – Ed Krieger
    Kennedy - Rebecca Kessler and Ed Rockhold
    Langston Hughes – Paula Pepin and Jaime Stancliffe
    Lawrence High School – Jaime Hulse
    New York – Janet Broers
    Pinckney – Jane Tusten
    Prairie Park – Erma Hadl
    Quail Run - Susan and Chris Eagle
    Schwegler – Marie Balmilero
    South Junior High – Terry Jacobsen
    Southwest Junior High – Janet Finnestad
    Sunflower - Kevin and Susan Stuever
    Sunset Hill - Amy and Bill Adams
    USD 497 - Patrick Manning, McDonald's Restaurants, Lawrence Education Achievement Partners (LEAP)
    Wakarusa Valley - Amy and Karl Gottschamer
    West Junior High – Lisa Flaig and Mary Ann Graham
    Woodlawn – Deborah Altus and Jerry Jost

    Broken Arrow – Debby Smith
    Central Junior High – Deb Rake
    Cordley – Bob Gent
    Deerfield – Karen Cooper
    East Heights Early Childhood Family Center – Heather Stein
    Free State High School – Cris Aiken
    Hillcrest - Jack and Susan Mercer
    Kennedy - Kim Fuller
    Langston Hughes – Carla Saathoff
    Lawrence High School - Bill and Marlene Penny
    New York – Carolyn Landgrebe
    Pinckney – Mike Cormack and Jill Hardesty
    Prairie Park – Betty Hernandez
    Quail Run – Beth Flitcraft
    Schwegler – Dan Heptig
    South Junior High – Brent Meyers
    Southwest Junior High – Janet Finnestad
    Sunflower – Lorrie Belcher
    Sunset Hill – Leonard Steinle
    USD 497 – Janet Murphy, Lawrence Boys and Girls Club
    Wakarusa Valley - Brad and Carrie Shuck
    West Junior High – Mike Lyons
    Woodlawn - Don and Cathy Lynn

    Broken Arrow - Tim Carpenter
    Central Junior High - Don Nieto
    Cordley - Julie Nice
    Deerfield - Cris Griffith
    East Heights Early Childhood - Christina Hess
    Free State High School - Larry Burton, Wayne Martin, and Randy Altman of Royal Crest Bowling Lanes
    Hillcrest - P.J. Mather
    Kennedy - Ronda Geddings
    Langston Hughes - Kenny Click and Bob Kristiansen
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Fred Scheller
    Lawrence High School - Rosy Elmore
    New York - Diane SimpsonPinckney - Susan McCarthy
    Prairie Park - Cherryl Smith
    Quail Run - Craig Weinaug
    Schwegler - Angie Rexroad
    South Junior High School - Patty McGuire
    Southwest Junior High - Monty Hobbs
    Sunflower - Jennifer Kelly
    Sunset Hill - Connie Gore
    USD 497 - Joan Golden, LEAP, Adventures in Imagination Partnership, US Bank
    Wakarusa Valley - Phil Wedge
    West Junior High - Mike Van Zuiden
    Woodlawn - Angie Conrad

    Broken Arrow - Joni Fornelli
    Central Junior High - Jennifer Glynn and Larry Hoyle
    Cordley - Audrey Taylor and Matt Costabile
    Deerfield - Sherri Dedloff
    East Heights Early Childhood - J.R. Demby
    Free State High School - Mark and Marsha Buhler
    Hillcrest - Mike and Cathy Hut
    Kennedy - Autumn Weiss
    Langston Hughes - Jodi Trast
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Buck Rowland
    Lawrence High School - Thomas Murray
    New York - Glenn Robinson
    Pinckney - Marilyn and Randy Kahn
    Prairie Park - Charlotte Marthaler
    Quail Run - Kari Lottes
    Schwegler - Tom Boxberger
    South Junior High School - Peggy Willliams
    Southwest Junior High - Stuart and Susan Bell
    Sunflower - Joan Noller
    Sunset Hill - Becky Spence
    USD 497 - Mike Mikesic, Independence Inc.
    Wakarusa Valley - Gloria Sherman
    West Junior High School - Jeannie Robinson
    Woodlawn - Kellee Schmid

    Broken Arrow- Rosie Robertson
    Centennial - Laura Denneler, Marianne Reed, Lisa Oller, Diane Price, Gay Schneider, Lucy Harris, Gilliam Melott and Angela Seybert
    Central Junior High - Deb Rake
    Cordley - Judy Keller and Tom Hoffman
    Deerfield - Chris Everett
    East Heights - Vickie Scott, Kirsten Roussel and Teresa Marshall
    Free State High School - Cal Karlin
    Hillcrest - Stacy Riggins
    Kennedy - Laurie Pfantz
    Langston Hughes - Paige H ofer
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Katie Whitenight Senecal
    Lawrence High School - Cyndi Mona
    New York - Steve Robinson and Lori Learned
    Pinckney - Rick Prum and Karen Kressin
    Prairie Park - Paul and Christine Phelps
    Quail Run - Chris and Jeff Bandle
    Riverside - Missy Allen
    Schwegler - Becky Willmott
    South Junior High - Karen Frick
    Southwest - Doug and Terri Wilson
    Sunflower - Linda Browning
    Sunset Hill - Kristie Mullenix
    USD 497 - Jackie Ferguson and Rosy Elmore, Citizens for Students Campaign
    Wakarusa Valley - Karen Andregg
    West Junior High - Diannia Affalter
    Woodlawn - Deb Vannicola

    Broken Arrow - Joanne Renfro, Mark and Sheila Stogsdill
    Centennial - Stacey and Brent Lamb
    Central Junior High - Gary Smith
    Cordley - Joe Casad
    Deerfield - Maria Craft
    Dole Center - John Huston and Dr. Barbara Thompson
    East Heights - Richard Holzmeister
    Free State High School - Richard Konzem, KU Athletic Department
    Grant - Rudy and Angie Conrad
    Hillcrest - Paula Martin and Kurt Falkenstien
    Kennedy - Korianne Daboda
    Langston Hughes - Becky Orth
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Ann Bracker, Bracker's Good Earth Clays
    Lawrence High School - Karen Frick
    New York - Laurie Hart
    Pinckney - Donna Pliler
    Prairie Park - Erica Edwards
    Quail Run - Kim Liebl
    Riverside - Gail Tompkins
    Schwegler - Pam Montgomery
    South Junior High - John Rathbun
    Southwest Junior High - Deb Spencer
    Sunflower - Kaye Drahozal
    Sunset Hill - Gennie Ellis
    USD 497 - Jerry Chaffin, The University of Kansas
    Wakarusa Valley - Kim Banning-Bohmann and Sonia Stofkooper
    West Junior High - Marsha Buhler
    Woodlawn - Dorothy Miltner

    Broken Arrow - Michael Davidson
    Centennial - The Vestal Family
    Central Junior High - Mary Lou Wright
    Cordley Elementary - Laurie Dale-Marshall
    Deerfield - Jo and Bob Garcia
    East Heights - Barbara Kelly
    Free State High School - Randy and Leann Towner
    Grant - Terry Golden
    Hillcrest - Candace Koch
    Kennedy - Karilyn Kennedy
    Langston Hughes - Tammy Frank
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Dave Leach
    Lawrence High School - Bill Bunce
    New York - Gayle Davis
    Pinckney - Earl Richardson
    Prairie Park - Jennifer Hendrix
    Quail Run - Colleen Lignell
    Riverside - Lori Hanson
    Schwegler - Sue Iverson
    South Junior High School - Marcia McFarlane
    Southwest Junior High - Tom and Marilyn Dobski
    Sunflower - Steve Allen and Jane Getto
    Sunset Hill - JoAnn Devin
    USD 497 - Ginger Wehner, KU Credit Union
    Wakarusa Valley - Bruce Leinmiller
    West Junior High - Mick Briscoe
    Woodlawn - Jackie Schafer

    Broken Arrow - Ted and Marcia McFarlane
    Centennial Elementary - Diana and Joel Frederick
    Central Junior High School - Ruth Hurst
    Cordley Elementary - Jeanine Thurmaier
    Deerfield Elementary - Ann Ozorkiewicz
    East Heights - Audrey Sheridan
    Free State High School - Jean Milstead
    Grant - Nancy McKee
    Hillcrest Elementary - Jay Haugh
    Kennedy - Sue Gibbons
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Lynne Green
    Lawrence High - Tony May
    Lawrence Public Schools - "The Bobs," Lawrence Schools Foundation Donors
    New York - Jeff Cassidy and Carolyn McGruder
    Pinckney- Jennifer Glenn
    Prairie Park Elementary - Linda Long
    Quail Run - Cheri Berg
    Riverside - Tom Crice and Connie Adams
    Schwegler - Sam Rabiola
    South Junior High School - Karen Frick
    Southwest Junior High School - Barb Willoughby
    Sunflower Elementary - Kim Haig
    Sunset Hill Elementary - Jamie Wyatt
    Wakarusa Valley Elementary - Julie Bernard and Lyle Brubaker
    West Junior High - Karen Anderson
    Woodlawn - Patsy Moody and Dennis Greenfield


    Broken Arrow - Lissa Revenew
    Centennial Elementary - Susan Postlehwaite
    Central Junior High - Theresa Schmidt
    Cordley Elementary - Julie Nice
    Deerfield Elmentary - Kelli Brahler
    East Heights - June Boyajian
    Free State High School - Mike Jerrick
    Grant Elementary - Eileen Larson and John Naramore
    Hillcrest Elementary - Marcia Buhler
    Kennedy Elementary- Tina Roberts
    Lawrence Alternative High School - Kathryn Ladoux
    Lawrence High School - Linda Davis
    New York Elementary - Carolyn Masington
    Pinckney Elementary - Holli Joyce
    Prairie Park Elementary - Lynette Miller
    Quail Run Elementary - Deb Howard
    Riverside Elementary - Tannya and Jeff Miller
    Schwegler Elementary - Mary Halloran
    South Junior High - Kay Rytting
    Southwest Junior High - Sue Morgan
    Sunflower Elementary - Lori Killen
    Sunset Hill Elementary - Diane Guthrie and Mark McCanon
    USD 497 - William Dann, Lawrence Schools Foundation Donor; and Dillons grocery stores
    Wakarusa Valley Elementary - Dene Parker
    West Junior High - Marilyn Zerwekh
    Woodlawn Elementary - Ruth Hurst

    Previous USD 497 Friends of Education
    1997-98 Wanda Williams, Lawrence Schools Foundation Board of Trustees
    1996-97 Jeannie Mellinger, LEAP
    1995-96 Mercantile Bank, LEAP
    1994-95 Ron Hurst, community volunteer
    1993-94 Dr. George Crawford, The University of Kansas; Brad Addington, Lawrence Journal-World & Hank Booth, Lawrence Schools Foundation Board of Trustees
    1992-93 Flora Wyatt, The University of Kansas
    1991-92 Tom Erb, The University of Kansas
    1990-91 Martha Skeet, Douglas County EHU, Phenix Club and 4-H