- Lawrence Free State High School
- Welcome
Phone: 785-330-2505
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Thomas Lipp
German 1, 2, 3 & 4
Algebra 2 (2 sections)
German 1 Syllabus
Dr. Thomas J. Lipp
German 1, 2, 3 & 4
Lawrence Free State HS
Rm. 513/214
(785) 832-6050
TEXTBOOK: Komm mit! offers the opportunity to learn a language spoken by millions of people in several European countries and around the world. Proficiency is the goal of language instruction in Komm mit!. Each chapter contains authentic situations that model communicative needs common among young people. In these situations, students learn the functions, vocabulary and grammar that support natural expression. The book has a functionally driven scope and sequence. The students develop proficiency in the four language skills (i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and build their critical thinking skills. Grammar is presented in context to support the functions, enhancing the students' ability to communicate with accuracy and confidence. The spiraling of functions, vocabulary, and grammar increases the students' retention of newly acquired language and presents opportunities for using the language in various situations. The book's strong cross-cultural perspective enriches the students' understanding of the multi-cultural nature of the German-speaking world.
GRADES will be weighted in the following manner: Class Participation 30%, Tests and Quizzes 40%, Homework 20%, and Notebook 10%. There is a vocabulary quiz and a test for each chapter. These are followed by a notebook check. Class and oral participation will be assessed on a daily basis. A semester final will be given at the end of each semester.
GRADING SCALE: 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, below 60% F.
SYLLABUS: Each chapter will be covered in approximately 2-3 weeks. In the second week the students will start taking the vocabulary quizzes 3 times. They are expected to fill in 15 or more words each time. At the end of the third week they will take the chapter test.
MATERIALS: All students will purchase and organize a 3-ring, loose-leaf notebook (at least 1” wide) containing: 1) dividers, 2) all notes from each section for the entire semester, 3) all assignments from the current chapter, 4) all required handouts from the semester, and 5) all tests or quizzes handed back.
I believe a well kept notebook is a reflection of the attention that a student paid in the classroom, a tool for better learning and studying as well as a record that can be shown to future German instructors at the college level. To aid the student, class notes should be copied from the board as directed, dated and entered in sequential order. The class notes should be reviewed after every lesson and preferably be memorized so the student retains all relevant information and is able to use it in classroom discussions and dialogs. I also recommend that all notes are reviewed before tests, since they summarize what was taught in class. Each student should also consider these additional guidelines:
- The dates should appear uniformly in the top left or top right corner of each entry.
- No red pen may be used by any student at any time in my classroom.
- Several entries may appear on the same page, separated by a space of approximately two to three empty lines.
- Should a student miss class, she/he is still responsible for the content that was presented and will have to copy that information from a friend the next day.
- You have to memorize, it is the main task in learning a new language.
- By studying and reading aloud when you are alone, you develop good pronunciation habits and language fluency.
- Homework is a must. Do it when it is assigned. It is part of the learning process.
- Study out loud. Read aloud what you have to study and what you are writing.
- Vocabulary quizzes run over a span of a few days. Even when you get sick, you will be responsible for finishing the quiz on the assigned date or on the first day you are back in class.
ORAL ASSESSMENT reflects listening and speaking skills as well as general classroom behavior and cooperation. Students receive +'s and -"s on the seating chart. Plus signs reflect participation and cooperation above the level of expectation. Minus signs reflect participation and cooperation below the level of expectation, e.g. being unprepared, uncooperative, or displaying inappropriate behavior.
PARENTS may help by checking the folder and notebook for completeness, by reviewing and appraising tests or grade print-outs, and by occasionally supervising the preparation for school, e.g., studying vocabulary.
German 1 Curriculum Guide
Big Idea
Vocabulary Family
Present Tense Verbs
Likes and dislikes (gern/mag)
Noun/adjective agreement
Nominative Case/Subject Pronouns
Expressions of time
Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking,
Geography and Culture, QUestion/Answer
Question words
Present Tense (intro seperable/strong)
Word order
Accusative Case
Negation (nicht/kein)
Possessive pronouns
Family/descriptive adjectives
School subjects
Money and advanced numbers
Geography and Countries
Modal Verbs
Intro to Gefallen
Object Pronouns
Separable prefix verbs
Make plans
Order food
Activities and places
Modal Verbs
“weil” word order
Wissen vs. Kennen
Intro basic simple past
Places in a city
Recommended Supplemental Resources:
Discovery Channel “Extra” series (youtube)
Deutsche Welle series “Ticket nach Berlin”, “Jojo”
Internet Resources “Deutsch im Blick”, “Tangram Aktuell”, “Nancy Thuleen online grammar”
“Easy German” on youtube
1) Materials: All students should bring books and other necessary materials to class each day.
2) Tardiness: All students are to be in their seats and ready for class when the bell rings.
3) All students will demonstrate respect for their fellow students and their teacher by
being attentive, contributing, and speaking when they are recognized by the teacher.
4) Raise your hand for permission to speak or to leave your seat.
5) Follow directions the first time they are given.
If you are tardy or choose to break a rule (see the student handbook for further details):
1st Time: You will be warned and your name will be marked down.
2nd Time: You will be given 15 minutes detention to be served with the teacher
after/before school or in the detention room within 2 school days. Your
parents will be contacted.
3rd–5th Time: You will be given 45 minutes detention to be served in the same manner
as above and your parents will be contacted.
6th + Time: Possible ISS or further disciplinary action.
Cheating (e.g. copying tests or homework) will result in a score of zero on the test or homework of all participants and will also result in a call to the parents.
For any help outside of class, I am usually at school from 7:30 am to 4:15 pm. Visitors and answer seekers are always welcome.
The Golden Rule for the classroom is: Respect Yourself and Others, and all will fall into place.
German 2 Syllabus
Mr. Lipp
Lawrence Free State HS
Rm. 513
TEXTBOOK: Komm mit! offers the opportunity to learn a language spoken by millions of people in several European countries and around the world. Proficiency is the goal of language instruction in Komm mit!. Each chapter contains authentic situations that model communicative needs common among young people. In these situations, students learn the functions, vocabulary and grammar that support natural expression. The book has a functionally driven scope and sequence. The students develop proficiency in the four language skills (i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and build their critical thinking skills. Grammar is presented in context to support the functions, enhancing the students' ability to communicate with accuracy and confidence. The spiraling of functions, vocabulary, and grammar increases the students' retention of newly acquired language and presents opportunities for using the language in various situations. The book's strong cross-cultural perspective enriches the students' understanding of the multi-cultural nature of the German-speaking world.
GRADES will be weighted in the following manner: Class Participation 40%, Tests and Quizzes 30%, Homework 20%, and Notebook 10%. There is a vocabulary quiz and a test for each chapter. These are followed by a notebook check. Class and oral participation will be assessed on a daily basis. A quarterly assessment will be given at the end of each quarter.
GRADING SCALE: 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, below 60% F.
SYLLABUS: Each chapter will be covered in approximately 2-3 weeks. In the second week the students will start taking the vocabulary quizzes 3 times. They are expected to fill in 15 or more words each time. At the end of the third week they will take the chapter test.
MATERIALS: All students will purchase and organize a 3-ring, loose-leaf notebook (at least 1” wide) containing: 1) dividers, 2) all notes from each section for the entire semester, 3) all assignments from the current chapter, 4) all required handouts from the semester, and 5) all tests or quizzes handed back.
I believe a well kept notebook is a reflection of the attention that a student paid in the classroom, a tool for better learning and studying as well as a record that can be shown to future German instructors at the college level. To aid the student, class notes should be copied from the board as directed, dated and entered in sequential order. The class notes should be reviewed after every lesson and preferably be memorized so the student retains all relevant information and is able to use it in classroom discussions and dialogs. I also recommend that all notes are reviewed before tests, since they summarize what was taught in class. Each student should also consider these additional guidelines:
- The dates should appear uniformly in the top left or top right corner of each entry.
- No red pen may be used by any student at any time in my classroom.
- Several entries may appear on the same page, separated by a space of approximately two to three empty lines.
- Should a student miss class, she/he is still responsible for the content that was presented and will have to copy that information from a friend the next day.
- You have to memorize, it is the main task in learning a new language.
- By studying and reading aloud when you are alone, you develop good pronunciation habits and language fluency.
- Homework is a must. Do it when it is assigned. It is part of the learning process.
- Study out loud. Read aloud what you have to study and what you are writing.
- Vocabulary quizzes run over a span of a few days. Even when you get sick, you will be responsible for finishing the quiz on the assigned date or on the first day you are back in class.
ORAL ASSESSMENT reflects listening and speaking skills as well as general classroom behavior and cooperation. Students receive +'s and -"s on the seating chart. Plus signs reflect participation and cooperation above the level of expectation. Minus signs reflect participation and cooperation below the level of expectation, e.g. being unprepared, uncooperative, or displaying inappropriate behavior.
PARENTS may help by checking the folder and notebook for completeness, by reviewing and appraising tests or grade print-outs, and by occasionally supervising the preparation for school, e.g., studying vocabulary.
1) Materials: All students should bring books and other necessary materials to class each day.
2) Tardiness: All students are to be in their seats and ready for class when the bell rings.
3) All students will demonstrate respect for their fellow students and their teacher by
being attentive, contributing, and speaking when they are recognized by the teacher.
4) Raise your hand for permission to speak or to leave your seat.
5) Follow directions the first time they are given.
If you are tardy or choose to break a rule (see the student handbook for further details):
1st Time: You will be warned and your name will be marked down.
2nd Time: You will be given 15 minutes detention to be served with the teacher
after/before school or in the detention room within 2 school days. Your
parents will be contacted.
3rd–5th Time: You will be given 45 minutes detention to be served in the same manner
as above and your parents will be contacted.
6th + Time: Possible ISS or further disciplinary action.
Cheating (e.g. copying tests or homework) will result in a score of zero on the test or homework of all participants and will also result in a call to the parents.
For any help outside of class, I am usually at school from 7:30 am to 4:15 pm. Visitors and answer seekers are always welcome.
The Golden Rule for the classroom is: Respect Yourself and Others, and all will fall into place.