If you were unable to participate in a Portrait of a Graduate public input session, you still have an opportunity to provide your input!
This video of Dr. Brad Neuenswander's presentation to Free State students while facilitating their input session includes a QR code (and a website and numerical code) for sharing how you would answer the question, "What skills and experiences do you think all of our graduates need to thrive in college, careers, and life?"
The district values your opinions. Thank you for sharing them by Thurs., Nov. 16.
Public Input Sessions
Lawrence Public Schools invites students, staff, and community members to attend a "Portrait of a Graduate" public input session. Share what experiences and skills you think all graduates of Lawrence Public Schools need to thrive in college, careers, and life.
Dr. Brad Neuenswander with KU's Achievement and Assessment Institute and KU doctoral candidate Sophie Robic will facilitate these sessions. All input sessions will include a brief presentation, small group discussion and sharing, and opportunities for each participant to provide additional input electronically.
November 7, 6:00-7:30 p.m., PUBLIC INPUT SESSION, Free State Cafeteria/Commons
November 9, 6:00-7:30 p.m., PUBLIC INPUT SESSION, Lawrence High Learning Commons
The district values your input in the school improvement process, expansion of our strategic plan, and the future success of our graduates!
Please attend either one of these input sessions.