• Hello!  My name is Jo Cobb and I’m super excited to say that I'm back as a Kindergarten teacher this year.  This will be my second year at Sunflower. I will be team teaching with Valisha Buselt.  Before joining Sunflower, I’ve been working in the district as a substitute teacher, title teacher, and para after "postponing teaching" to spend 15 years at home being a full time mom. 

    My husband, Brian, and I live in Lawrence and have four fabulous boys aged 14-24 that make us proud and keep us extremely busy.

    I love going to the beach, spending time on our boat at the lake, going to all my sons' activities and cheering on the Jayhawks!
    I'm looking forward to a fantastic year and so happy to be part of the Sunflower team.  Go Eagles!!