The front doors will be open for ONLY students eating breakfast at 7:35. Breakfast will stop being served at 7:50 sharp! If your child is eating breakfast at school, please have them to school by 7:35.
All other students should not arrive to school before 7:45, when our doors open. THERE IS NO ADULT SUPERVISION FOR STUDENTS WAITING OUTSIDE BEFORE 7:45!
Students leaving before 3:05 dismissal:
Parents must come to the office and sign-out their child. The office will then call your child to the office to be dismissed.
Teachers will exit with students at dismissal time: MTTF: 3:05, Wednesdays: 1:35pm
ALL Teachers will walk their own students outside to wait for students to be picked up.
Older students can wait with their younger siblings in the younger sibling's waiting area.
Ms. Walter's classroom will exit out Northwest door
Bus students will exit out the North Playground doors
Kindergarten will wait for parent pick up on the North playground
First Grade will wait for parent to pick up on North lawn area
2nd and 3rd Grade will wait for parent pick up on the South front sidewalk
4th and 5th Grade will wiat for parent pick up on the North front sidewalk
Lunch Schedule
2nd: 11:05-11:30
Kindergarten: 11:15- 11:40
3rd: 11:35-12:00
1st- 11:45-12:10
5th: 12:25-12:55
Served at 7:35AM
Full Price:
Lunch- $3.00
Reduced Price:
Lunch- $.40
Breakfast- $3.00
Lunch- $5.00
Extra Milk:
Links & Resources
Sign up for the PTO text updates by texting the number 81010 with message: @ dfpto