Secondary English Language Arts
Middle School
ALL students at the middle school level are required to take a year-long, daily English language arts class. The class curriculum was designed by teachers and based on the identification of Priority and Supporting standards outlined in the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts. All curriculum is aligned with the four identified standard areas:
Speaking and Listening
Reading: Literature
Reading: Informational
For a description of our middle school courses, please visit the USD 497 Middle School Course Descriptions.
High School
Students are required to enroll in English in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. It is recommended that students take an elective(s) English language arts class in grade 12. The curriculum for each class was designed by teachers and based on the identification of Priority and Supporting Standards outlined in the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts.
To be considered a Kansas Regents Scholar, a student must take four years of English language arts. For more information about the Kansas Regents Scholar program, please visit Kansas Regents.
All curriculum is aligned with the four identified standard areas:
Speaking and Listening
Reading: Literature
Reading: Informational
For a description of our high school English language arts courses, please visit USD 497 High School Course Descriptions.
Priority Standards
The term Priority Standard refers to a subset of learning standards that educators have determined to be the highest priority or most important for students to learn. Priority Standards were selected from the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts at the district level by curriculum leaders and teacher leadership committees. Other standards become Supporting Standards and "these become the instructional scaffolds to help students understand and attain the more rigorous and comprehensive Priority Standards".
Choosing Priority Standards using the R.E.A.L. criteria
Larry Ainsworth on Priority Standards
Kansas Assessment Program information for Families
The Kansas Assessment Program (KAP), a program of the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), fulfills a mandate from the Kansas Legislature. KAP provides general education assessments, alternate assessments, career and technical education assessments, and an English language proficiency assessment. Each year, students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 are assessed in English language arts and Mathematics. A science assessment is provided in grades 5, 8, and 11.
Common Formative Assessments (Larry Ainsworth)
- Aligned pre- and post-assessments within units of study
- Collaboratively designed by a grade-level or course-level team
- Administered to students by each participating teacher throughout school year
- Assess student understanding of unit learning intentions (derived from selected standards)
- Questions directly match levels of cognitive rigor of unit learning intentions
- Success criteria explicitly describe what students are to include in their responses
- Valuable feedback shows what students currently know and still need to learn
- Provide a clear lens through which teachers see their instructional impact on student learning
- Align with Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), formative assessment work (Common Formative Assessments)
- Align with the year-end Kansas State Assessments
- Measure mastery of standards
- Inform instructional adjustments
Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Coach, Lawrence Public Schools
785.832.5000 x4774
USD 497 staff resources are available by contacting Shelly McBeth, Curriculum & Instruction Coach, 6-8 ELA, 6-12 CTE, Secondary librarians
6th Grade ELA
Unit 2-How Do I Change Myself?
Unit 3-How Do I Change Others?
Unit 4-How Does Global Change Impact Me?
7th Grade ELA
8th Grade ELA
Unit 1-Let Me Tell You: How My Ideas are Communicated
Unit 2-What They Said: How Others Have Communicated Their Ideas
Unit 3-The Way They See It: Propaganda and the Voiceless
Unit 4-Taking a Stand:Finding My Own Voice and Disrupting Systems of Power
11th/12th Grade ELA
Comparative Cultural Narratives
Jr./Sr. Composition and Communications
For information about resources needed for your classroom, please contact the Instructional Resource Center at If you need additional support for resource requests, please contact Shelly McBeth at 785-832-5000 ext. 4774.