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State Assessments

Logo for the Kansas Assessment Program (KAP).

The Kansas Assessment Program (KAP), commonly referred to as the state assessment, includes a variety of tests aligned to Kansas’ content standards, which help educators and policymakers evaluate student learning and meet the requirements for federal and state accountability.


Students grade 3 - 8, and 10 test in the spring on reading and math. Students grade 5, 8, and 11 test in the spring on science. Students grade 4, 7, and 11 test in the spring on social studies. 

Information for Parents

Parent Access

Parents can access students' scores on the Kite Parent Portal. The Kite Parent Portal is an online platform for parents to view current and historical Kite assessment reports. Parents/Guardians should log into the Parent Portal using their PowerSchool access email address. Registration is managed at the district level. If you have tried using your PowerSchool email address and still cannot access Kite Parent Portal, please contact the USD 497 Help Desk at 785-330-4357 (HELP) or email

Parent Portal Login
Parent Portal User Guide

Parent Guides


KAP Overview

The Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) includes a variety of instructional tools and tests which measure the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) in English Language Arts and Mathematics, the Kansas Science Education Standards, and the Kansas Standards for History, Government, and Social Studies. These tests are designed to support both educators and policymakers in evaluating student learning, as well as meet the requirements for federal and state accountability.

Broadly speaking, content standards define the depth and breadth of the body of knowledge, conceptual understanding, and skills students are expected to master during the course of their K–12 education. Content standards are often broken out by subject area. Subject areas are further broken down into grade-level expectations. Content standards are different from curriculum.

Typically, curriculum describes the program and instructional decisions made by local school districts and school administrators to prepare students to demonstrate mastery of the content standards. Ways in which students demonstrate mastery of the content can include teacher observation; classroom activities and projects; informal assessments such as homework assignments, quizzes, and tests; and state tests, which are standardized assessments students generally take at the end of the year.  

Students are tested annually in the following areas:

  • English Language Arts: Grades 3-8, 10
  • Mathematics: Grades 3-8, 10
  • Science: Grades 5, 8, 11
  • History, Government & Social Studies: Grades 4, 7. 11

Predictive Interim Assessments are taken three times prior to state assessments. These reading and math assessments mirror content and formatting students encounter on the state assessment, making students and teachers aware of the complexity of the state assessment and provide a glimpse into how students are performing prior to the state assessments. Beyond state assessments, the Predictive Interim data is helpful to teachers to understand how to adjust their instruction to help students meet the complexity of their grade level standards.

Student performance on state assessments is measured according to four performance levels. The Kansas state assessment will remain consistent through 2025. Click the link to view or download the grade level assessment development guides. State assessment performance may be viewed at Kansas Report Card. Students in tested grades will participate in predictive interim assessments prior to the state assessment to gauge areas teachers may need to revisit to ensure students can master their grade level objectives.

The Kansas State Department of Education expects all eligible students to participate in state assessments (including DLM and KELPA); however, it is also recognized that parents have the right to opt their student(s) out of state assessments. We will respect parent/guardian wishes in this regard. If you believe this is the best decision for your child, please visit with your child's school principal regarding your wishes for the current academic year. Parents should complete the Opt-out form in PowerSchool to formalize this decision.

Resources for families can be found on the Kansas Assessments site.