May 8, 2017
The Board of Education of Lawrence Public Schools, USD 497, will meet in the Interactive Technology Center (First Floor) of the Educational Support & Distribution Center, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, Kansas, at 7 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Special Recognition of Students, Staff, & Community Partners
State History Day Student Honors -- Lawrence High School
-- Valerie Schrag & Tracy Murray, history teachers
Future City & Model U.N. Student Honors -- West Middle School
-- Charla Jerome, gifted education facilitator
Destination Imagination Team Honors
-- Kathy Bowen, K-12 gifted education facilitator
Kansas City Area Teachers of Mathematics Student Honors
-- Kathy Bowen, K-12 gifted education facilitator
Fair Housing Poster Contest Winners
-- Scott Wagner, City of Lawrence
-- Danica Moore, equity facilitator
Teachers & Support Staff Celebrating 25-Year Employment Anniversaries
-- David Cunningham, executive director, human resources & legal counsel
-- Samrie Devin, director, human resources
Report of President of Board of Education
Report of Superintendent of Schools
Patron Commentary
Board Commentary
Consent Agenda items are those that are considered routine and are adopted by one motion, unless any Board Member or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed. The item/items removed are voted on separately.
Motion: "I move the Board of Education adopt the items listed on the Consent Agenda."
Financial Reports*
Personnel Report*
Kindergarten Global Project
-- Jerri Kemble, assistant superintendent, innovation & technology
-- Tara Martin, facilitator, elementary curriculum
-- Nicole Corn, kindergarten teacher, Sunset Hill Elementary School
-- Kevin Harrell, executive director, student services
-- Suzy Green, coordinator, Parents as Teachers
-- Tony Barron, executive director, facilities & operations
Reports & Approvals
Motion for Executive Session -- To discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel
Future Agenda Items
Report: Teacher Leadership Academy
Report: Mental Health Supports
May 10 -- Employee Advisory Committee Meeting, ESDC -- 7 a.m.
May 15 -- Educate Lawrence Hosts Ann Mah, Kansas State Board of Education Member, ESDC -- 6-7 p.m.
May 18 -- Project Search Graduation, ESDC -- 10 a.m.
May 18 -- District Site Council Meeting, ESDC -- 4 p.m.
May 19 -- C-Tran Graduation, ESDC -- 10 a.m.
May 20 -- Lawrence Virtual High School Graduation, Free State Auditorium -- 1 p.m.
May 22 -- Board Policy Committee Meeting, ESDC -- 9:15 a.m.
May 22 -- District Equity Advisory Council Meeting, ESDC -- 5 p.m.
May 22 -- Executive Session/Regular Board Meeting, ESDC -- 6 p.m./7 p.m.
May 23 -- Lawrence High School Graduation, LHS Stadium -- 7 p.m.
May 24 -- Lawrence Free State High School Graduation, LFSHS Stadium -- 7 p.m.