January 23, 2017
The Board of Education of Lawrence Public Schools, USD 497, will meet in the Interactive Technology Center (First Floor) of the Educational Support & Distribution Center, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, Kansas, at 4:30 p.m.
Pre-Meeting Work Session -- Board Professional Development -- 4:30-6:45 p.m. (Led by Kansas Association of School Boards)
Call to Order Regular Meeting -- 7 p.m.
Approval of Agenda
Special Recognition of Students, Staff, & Community Partners
KSDE School Bus Safety Poster Contest K-2 State Winner & National Third-Place Winner, Kaylee Clancy, Langston Hughes Elementary School
-- Jackie Mickel, principal, Langston Hughes Elementary School
-- Ron May, director, operations
-- Wayne Zachary, First Student Lawrence branch manager
BackSnack Program Partners Trinity Episcopal Church & Cornerstone Baptist Church
-- Howard Diacon, Sunflower Elementary School, representing Lawrence elementary school principals
Report of President of Board of Education
Report of Superintendent of Schools
Patron Commentary
Board Commentary
Consent Agenda items are those that are considered routine and are adopted by one motion, unless any Board Member or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed. The item/items removed are voted on separately.
Motion: "I move the Board of Education adopt the items listed on the Consent Agenda."
* Financial Reports*
Personnel Report*
-- Kevin Harrell, executive director, student services
-- Laura Basham, assistant director, special education
Reports and Approvals
-- Angelique Nedved, assistant superintendent, teaching & learning
-- Terry McEwen, director, curriculum, instruction & assessment
-- Patrick Kelly, director, innovation learning
Future Agenda Items
Report: Learning Forward/Future Ready for High Schools
Report: USD 497 Annual Enrollment
January 24 -- Board Lunch @ Sunflower -- 11 a.m.
January 30 -- Community Conversation about Racial Equity in Lawrence Public Schools Lawrence High Cafeteria -- 6-8 p.m.
January 31 -- Board Lunch @ Liberty Memorial Central -- 12 noon
February 7 -- Board Lunch @ Langston Hughes -- 11:15 a.m.
February 8 -- Employee Advisory Committee Meeting, ESDC -- 7 a.m.
February 9 -- Discover Bert Nash Tour, Bert Nash Facility -- 12-1 p.m.
February 13 -- Executive Session/Regular Board Meeting, ESDC -- 6:15 p.m./7 p.m.