• Lawrence High Students Qualifying to the National Speech and Debate Tournament

    2021-2022      Clara Bode & Dominic Moore - Duo Interpretation

                           Clara Bode - Prose Interpretation (double-oct - top 180); Impromptu (octofinalist - top 60)

                           J. Riggins - Congressional Debate: Senate (semifinalist - top 72)

                           Caitlin Sand - Congressional Debate: House

                           Helen Viloria - Congressional Debate: House (semifinalist - top 72)

                           Bella Ball - Expository Speaking, Poetry Interpretation

                           Jack Stutler - Informative Speaking

                           Bryce Erickson - Original Oratory

                           Thomas Lushington - Lincoln Douglas Debate

                           Jake Shew - Lincoln Douglas Debate

                           Frances Parker - Prose Interpretation, Poetry Interpretation (quarterfinalist - Top 30)


    2020-2021     Kayleigh Gill - Congressional Debate: House

                          Joel Rose - Congressional Debate: House

                          Helen Viloria - Congressional Debate: House

                          J. Riggins - Congressional Debate: Senate

                          Thomas Lushington - Lincoln Douglas Debate (top 84)

                          Jake Shew - Lincoln Douglas Debate (top 114)

                          Jack Stutler - Informative Speaking

                          Held online due to COVID19


    2019-2020.     J. Riggins - Congressional Debate: Senate

                          Held online due to COVID19


    2018-2019.     Jared Cote & Lex Moulton - Duo Interpretation (Octofinalist)

                          Ellie Bates & Jasper Mumford - Duo Interpretation

                          Aurelia Balcazar - Original Oration

                          Vera Petrovic - World Schools Debate - Top 32

                          J. Riggins - Congressional Debate: Senate

                          Haylee Rose - World Schools Debate - Top 32

                          Joel Rose - Congressional Debate: House

                          Helen Viloria - Congressional Debate: House (Quarterfinals)

                          Dallas, Texas


    2017-2018 .     Chisato Kimura - World Schools Debate - Top 16

                           Vera Petrovic - World Schools Debate - Top 16 (1st place speaker award)

                           Haylee Rose - World Schools Debate - Top 16

                           Fort Lauderdale, Florida


    2016-2017        Jared Cote' - Duo Interpretation (Octofinalist)

                            Natalie Cote' - Duo Interpretation (Octofinalist)

                            Vera Petrovic - Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking

                            Louis Farris - Informative Speaking

                            Bridget Smith - World Schools Debate (16th place)

                            Claire Walther - Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking

                            Birmingham, Alabama



    2015-2016      Stefan Petrovic - Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking (Semifinalist)

                            Vera Petrovic - Original Oratory
                            Natalie Cote' - Informative
                            Bridget Smith - World Schools Debate (17th place)
                            Salt Lake City, Utah 
    2014-2015       Hayley Luna – Congressional Debate – Senate (Semifinalist)

                            Stefan Petrovic – Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking (Octofinalist); 9th place, Extemporaneous Debate

                            Lane Quick – Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            Joaquin Dorado – Humorous Interpretation

                            Natalie Cote’ – Dramatic Interpretation

                            Dallas, Texas


    2013-2014        Hayley Luna - Congressional Debate – Senate (Semifinalist)

                            Stefan Petrovic - Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking

                            Sungho Hwang - Lincoln-Douglas Debate

                            Overland Park, Kansas



    2012-2013       Lauren Pauls - Congressional Debate - Senate (Semifinalist)

                            Eddie Loupe - Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            Clara Cobb - Humorous Interpretation (Octofinalist)

                            Stefan Petrovic - Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking (Octofinalist)

                            Birmingham, Alabama


    2011-2012       Lauren Pauls -- Student Congress

                            Alex Glanzman -- Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking

                            Megan Tunget -- Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            Eddie Loupe -- Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            J'Qui Audena -- Original Oration

                            Indianapolis, Indiana – Ben. E King HS


    2010-2011       Mariah Schwager/Paul Meissbach – Policy Debate

                            J’Qui Audena – Original Oration

                            Alex Glanzman – Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking

                            Ashley Kennedy – Dramatic Interpretation

                            Dallas, Texas


    2009-2010       Mariah Schwager/Paul Meissbach – Policy Debate

                            Kansas City, Missouri


    2008-2009       Doug Speight/Andres Ramos - Policy Debate

                            Carina Fowler - Humerous Interpretation

                            Amelia Weil - Dramatic Interpretation

                            Alex Hyler - Student Congress

                            Hannah Lusk - Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            Birmingham, Alabama


    2007-2008       Carina Fowler -- Humerous Interpretation

                            Henderson/Las Vegas, Nevada


    2006-2007       Shane Billig/Brandon Schwager – Policy Debate

                            Derby/Wichita, Kansas


    2005-2006       Brandon Schwager – Student Congress

                            Grapevine High School: Grapevine, Texas


    2004-2005       Julia Szabo – Student Congress

                            Boston, Massachusetts


    2001-2002       Ely Fair – Student Congress

                            Mecklenburg Public Schools: Charlotte, North Carolina


    1999-2000       Mike Yimer/Mike Connally - Debate

                            Portland State University: Portland, Oregon


    1997-1998       Rich Lloyd – International Extemp

                            Pattonville High School: Pattonville, Missouri


    1996-1997       Matt Hochstetler/Tom Seymour – Debate

                            Thomas Jefferson High School: Bloomington, Minnesota


    1995-1996       John Magnuson/Adam Clark – Debate

                            Matt Hochstetler – Student Congress

                            Southview High School: Hope Mills, North Carolina


    1994-1995       Mike Gottlieb/Chris Francisco – Debate

                            John P. Fawcett – Student Congress

                            Nova High School: Fort Lauderdale, Florida


    1993-1994       Mike Gottlieb/Chris Francisco – Debate

                            Thomas C. Moore – International Extemp

                            Luke Anderson – Student Congress

                            Park Hill High School:  Kansas City, Missouri


    1992-1993       Rebecca J. Coggins – Domestic Extemp

                            Thomas C. Moore – International Extemp

                            Ben Davis High School: Indianapolis, Indiana


    1991-1992       Adam Shulenburger – Student Congress

                            North Dakota State University: Fargo, North Dakota


    1990-1991       Kyle Kimball/Rachel Shapiro – Debate

                            Christi Mulinazzi – International Extemp

                            Christi Lawrence – Student Congress

                            Glenbrook Schools: Glenbrook, Illinois


    1989-1990       Rachel Shapiro – Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            Kyle Kimball – Student Congress

                            San Jose State University: San Jose, California


    1987-1988       Carl Ring – Lincoln Douglas Debate

                            McGavock High School: Nashville, Tennessee