3 TIERED (CI3T)



    Behavior Expectations

    Have Respect        I will respect others, myself, and my school.

    Act Responsibly    I will act responsibly as I follow directions.  I will have integrity at all times.


    Work Together       I will do my best work every day as I cooperate with my classmates to listen, think, solve problems, read and write. 



    Kindness Counts   I will always be kind.  I will not bully others.  I will be a friend to everyone.


    Soar to Success     I will try to soar like a hawk every day as I work hard to reach my learning goals.
    Comprehensive Three-Tiered Model of Prevention (CI3T)

              Hillcrest has adopted a comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered (CI3T) model of prevention.  This model is designed to address our students’ academic, behavioral, and social needs using a continuum of supports, including a proactive approach for addressing students’ needs in all three areas. Each and every student participates just by virtue of attending Hillcrest.  The goal of this school-wide plan is to equip students with meaningful academic, behavior and social skills set.  We have established systematic screening practices and a continuum of supports.  All students will receive primary prevention within the general education classroom.  Some students may benefit from small focus groups and others may benefit from individualized support.  The goal is to create a safe, positive learning environment including the accurate detection of students who need additional support beyond primary prevention efforts and then providing these students with additional secondary and tertiary supports that are also evidenced-based.

    System for Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior

    ·         Students will receive a HAWK tickets for demonstrating appropriate HAWKS behavior.

    ·         Students will receive tickets from all staff throughout the day as they demonstrate HAWKS expectations.

    ·         Tickets are then used to redeem incentives.

    ·         All staff can recognize a classroom of students for meeting HAWKs expectations by awarding HAWKS Golden Tickets.  Once a class has ten (10) tickets, they will be awarded a class-wide acknowledgment.