Career and Technical Education

  • Middle School

    All middle school students in USD 497 explore careers in the 8th grade required course Career and Life Planning.  Additionally, students can enroll in technology and STEM courses.  USD 497 offers Project Lead the Way - Gateway courses at all middle schools except the Lawrence Virtual School.

    For a description of our middle school career and technical education courses, please visit the USD 497 Middle School Course Descriptions

    High School

    Career and Technical Education in the Lawrence Public Schools provide students a sequential set of classes to explore careers of interest and develop skills in preparation for college and a career.  

    Introductory courses allow students to explore a wide variety of careers within the field.  Technical level courses focus on specific skills that are needed within the career area.  Students who have gained the technical skills within the pathway are eligible to enroll in Application level courses, which provide "real-world" experiences in the classroom with industry mentors or through professional workplace experience. Many courses are eligible for college credit. 

    For a description of our high school career and technical education courses, please visit the USD 497 High School Course Descriptions

Community Resources for Career and Technical Education

Teacher Resources for Career and Technical Education