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- 2021 Winter PD - January 4, 5 and 6
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
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USD 497 Winter PD - January 4th, 5th and 6th, 2021
Visit our online 2021 Winter Professional Development Program for a complete listing of activities, dates, times, links and presenters.
Required Professional Development Activities
Introduction to Schoology
REQUIRED FOR SECONDARY: This website provides a number of resources for teachers to explore Schoology. Secondary teachers should plan on spending 1 hour exploring these resources. Specific times will be identified by principals/supervisors.
Introduction to Florida Virtual School (FLVS)
REQUIRED FOR ELEMENTARY - This page provides resources for teachers to explore FLVS. Teachers should plan to spend 1 hour on this site. Specific times for completing this professional development will be identified by principals/supervisors.
Xello PD Playlist
REQUIRED FOR SECONDARY - This professional development focuses on the lessons within Xello and how those lessons relate to the goals of Individual Plans of Study
Content Area Collaboration - Middle School
Teachers will meet within their content area to discuss curriculum and instruction strategies that were successful in the fall. The goal is to learn from each other to build a repertoire of skills heading into the spring semester. Breakout rooms by course or grade level are an option. Click on the web link to access the 2021 Winter Professional Development Program which includes specific WebEx meeting links for each content area.
Content Area Collaboration - High School
Teachers will meet within their content area to discuss curriculum and instruction strategies that were successful in the fall. The goal is to learn from each other to build a repertoire of skills heading into the spring semester. Breakout rooms by course or grade level are an option. Click on the web link to access the 2021 Winter Professional Development Program which includes specific WebEx meeting links for each content area.
Live Online Professional Development (Registration Required)
Drop-In Coaching: Building a Standards-Based Final in the Final Hour
Bring your narrowed priority standards and course-alike buddies to plan a standards-based final that can be graded for student proficiency. It is our hope that we can collaborate and co-create finals that allow students to successfully demonstrate standards/skill based concepts that their current course grade may not reflect. Finals in a pandemic may need to be creative, alternative, and specific to narrowed demonstrations of proficiency. It is also our goal to reduce anxiety, encourage student participation and motivation on finals, and relieve grading time.
NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Group Meets from 3:00 - 4:00 each day.
Student Self-Efficacy
Self-Efficacy is a set of beliefs that influence the decisions individuals make and the subsequent actions they choose to carry out. Researchers have argued that how people behave and what they will achieve can often be better predicted by the beliefs they hold about their own capabilities than what they are actually capable of accomplishing." As educators what can we do to hook and spark students' interest in what they are learning using a Culturally Responsive lens; thus, helping to build their self-efficacy through ongoing academic success.
Recording Now Available: Student Self-Efficacy
Password: nJej9Nxw
CSRC Put to Work: Feedback Space for Instruction/Lesson Design in Remote and Hybrid Models
This is a space for teachers to get some specific feedback on a lesson or upcoming unit with consideration to our CSRC. Dedicated time with a curriculum and equity lens to collaborate and brainstorm instructional approaches. Bring your questions, a lesson or idea to collaborate upon. This includes synchronous and synchronous opportunities for engagement.
Learning is A Game
Participants will engage with 3 cooperative learning strategies (in game format) that they can adapt and use in their classrooms. Participants should come prepared to laugh and learn together with either their laptop and an ipad or be able to toggle between multiple browsers on a computer/laptop as we will be using WebEx, Pear Deck, and a Google Slide activity.
The recording is now available.
Password: Learning1
How can I use mindfulness to become more aware of my biases and become better connected with all students?
On-Demand Professional Development Activities
Assessment in Seesaw
Teachers will learn to support growth over time with authentic assessments on Seesaw.
AVID Strategies for Non-AVID Schools Using WICOR
AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID's proven learning support structure for elementary through high school is known as WICOR. In this self-guided presentation you will be introduced to Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration Organization, and Reading (WICOR) teaching strategies that will scaffold learning, guide students to comprehend materials and concepts, and support articulation ideas at increasingly complex levels.
Conscience Discipline: Self Regulation and Calming Strategies
In these unusual times our emotions and frustrations can get the better of us.Teachers will learn how to regulate their emotions, thoughts and frustrations and learn strategies to teach students to self-regulate.
Engagement Strategies for "Tough" Kids
What is a "tough" kid? What factors cause our "tough" kids to misbehave? How can I utilize positive reinforcements to increase engagement and participation from my "tough" kids? In this session, you will learn some strategies that are easy to implement to help support your students.
Number Lines and MathTalk Resources
How can I use number lines to help with rounding, estimating and place value? What are some easy, quick math websites and how do I use them to engage students in a 10-15 minute math talk virtually and/or in person to build strong mathematical practices in my classroom?