The Lawrence Public Schools provides educators a wide variety of professional learning opportunities. Activities include professional learning communities, building and district facilitated professional learning, instructional coaching and job, grade level or content area collaboration. Below you will find a list of the 2020-21 Professional Learning dates.
Please contact the following staff members with questions regarding Professional Learning:
Administrative Professional Learning - Leah Wisdom (
Instructional Coaching - Leah Wisdom (
Professional Learning Communities - Building Principals
Elementary Curriculum - Denise Johnson (
Secondary Curriculum - Shaun Hanson (
ESOL, Title, ISA -Leah Wisdom (
Counselors - Kiley Luckett (
Elementary Media Specialists - Denise Johnson (
Secondary Media Specialists- Shelly McBeth (
Music, Art, PE - Denise Johnson (
Special Education - Shelia Smith - Elementary ( or Lori Stithem (