
     September 24, 2018
    The Board of Education of Lawrence Public Schools, USD 497, will meet in the Interactive Technology Center (First Floor) of the Educational Support & Distribution Center, 110 McDonald Drive, Lawrence, Kansas, at 7:00 p.m. 


    Call to Order -7:00 p.m.
    Approval of Agenda
    Special Recognition
    2017-2018 Outstanding Service to Public Education Award - Dr. Kathleen Lane 
    Presented by Dr. Anna Stubblefield, deputy superintendent, Kevin Harrell, executive director of student services, and Leah Wisdom, director of instruction, equity, and student services

    2018-2019 Miss Indian Nations Youth of the Year – McKenna White
    Presented by Dr. Anthony Lewis, superintendent

    2017-2018 Lawrence Schools Foundation Grant Recipients & Award Winners  

    Presented by Dena Johnston, executive director, lawrence schools foundation

    Report of President of Board of Education

    Report of Superintendent of Schools

    Patron Commentary

    Board Commentary


    Consent agenda items are those that are considered routine and are adopted by one motion unless any Board Member or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed. The item/items removed are voted on separately.

    Motion:   “I move the Board of Education adopt the items listed on the Consent Agenda.”


    September 10, 2018 - Regular Meeting

    Financial Reports*


    Personnel Report*

    Monthly Vouchers*


    1. Board Policy Committee Recommendations
    2. Pacific Education Group 2018-19 Contract
    3. Approval Jim Knight Institute (Learning Coach PD, ~$36,000)
    4. Approval of Phase I Furniture Replacement - Free State High School

    Old Business

    Approval of 2nd Sale of 2017 Bonds for Construction Projects

    --Kathy Johnson, executive director, finance

    --Dave Arteberry, financial advisor, George K Baum



    KSDE Updates

    --Ann Mah, KSDE State Board District 4



    Future Agenda Items


    • October 8, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, 7 p.m.
    • October 22, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, 7 p.m