Lawrence Public Schools will ensure that students of all races, backgrounds, and abilities achieve at high levels, demonstrate proficiency in reading by the third grade and in math by the eighth grade, and graduate on time prepared for success in college and careers. Click the link above to read more about our strategic plan.
Stay informed and learning about the latest bills and actions being taken by our Legislators that impact public schools. Check out the various links on this page to learn more about what action is taking place.
Safe Routes to School
This Safe Routes to Schools map was made by the City of Lawrence, the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, and Lawrence Public Schools as part of a community-wide effort to show students and parents the safest route to their neighborhood school. We encourage you and your student to use this map for International Walk to School Day on October 7th, 2015—and every day!—and then provide feedback on street conditions, traffic conditions, and the usability of your Safe Route on the link attached. Additional questions can be sent to ,, or