- Lawrence Public Schools
During the annual ONE DREAM Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in January at the Lied Center of Kansas, Lawrence Public Schools honors students, school staff, and community members with the annual MLK Awards for making a positive difference in their schools and the greater community.
MLK Heart of Service Award - Presented to student, staff, and community members and/or groups making a significant impact on the community through volunteering and/or going above and beyond job responsibilities. Criteria include: Consistent and current service within the last 12 months; Displays humility, integrity, commitment, and courage; Significant impact on nominator; Significant impact on those served; Work done in the spirit of Dr. King's legacy.
MLK Character Award - Presented to students (Pre-K, elementary, middle school, and high school) who demonstrate character through the maintenance of integrity and the balance of respect and responsibility. Criteria include acceptance, citizenship, compassion, courage, humility, integrity, perseverance, positive influence, respect, and responsibility.
MLK Dreamer's Award - Presented to a student and an adult who have courage to envision change and encourage change among friends, family, and community. Criteria include commitment to their dream, displays vision, inspiration to others, unique talent or effort that effects change, and working to improve the world around them.
MLK Champion of Equity Award - Presented to students, staff and community members for their compassionate and courageous efforts to create a diverse community and to bring about systemic change aimed at promoting justice and equity. Criteria include compassion, courage, culturally relevant teaching, equity leader, and persistence.