WRAP; Sources of Strength Advisor
Phone: 1-785-832-5450 ext. 4574
I have been the WRAP Specialist at Billy Mills Middle School since 2016. WRAP stands for "Wellness, Resources, Access, & Prevention." The program is a collaboration between USD497 and Bert Nash Community Mental Center to place Masters-level Mental Health Clinicians in schools to support students and staff. I work at BMMS 100%, but I am employed by Bert Nash and have been for over 25 years. I have worked with USD497 schools since 2004 and enjoy working in the school environment.
I originally moved to Topeka, Kansas in 1989 from South Dakota to work at The Menninger Clinic and fell in love with the Kansas' seasons. Yes, I love the winters here, and the people, so this is "home" to me. I adore working with our students to help them navigate middle school and life.